Receiving Inpatient Referrals

A hospital can be both a Receiving Unit for patients referred from other facilities and a ‘Referring Unit’ to refer patients to another facility. Referrals can be made for both outpatient services and for inpatient admissions. A. Emergency Referral in

B. Cold Cases Referral in

C. Receiving Outpatient Referrals

Coordinating Referral out Cases

A. Emergency Referral Out

B. Cold Cases Referral Out

OutPatient Service

Outpatient Services should be organized in a manner that reduces the length of time that it might takes a patient to travel from one service area to another. Although each facility has a different layout and plan, clinical services should be organized as close to one another as possible.

Outpatient services consist of

a) Central triage and patient waiting area
b) Medical Record Room
c) Examination(clinical assessment) room, sample collection and treatment rooms
d) Pharmacy dispensing unit and cashier
e) Laboratory team, with cashier
f) imaging diagnostic team, with cashier

Bed Management

The aim of bed management is to make maximum use of hospital beds, ensuring high bed occupancy, high patient turnover and minimum waiting times for elective admission. • Methods for ensuring appropriate utilization of bed
- Follow hospital A & D protocol
- Reduce inappropriate length of stay
o Regular ward rounds
o Make maximum use of Administrative service

• Bed management information system
- Bed survey should be done at least 3x a day/3 times/24hrs/